Do you know what's happening in the World?

Take a couple minutes and read through this list of things that are happening in our world right now. Did you know?

Want just a summary of below, watch this Video (and more like it).

Natural Events

1) An ever increasing amount of Earthquakes and more and more severe ones around the world… even in bizarre locations. There are many articles on this.

Earthquakes on the Rise

A Temple to a False god is Destroyed

2) Weather records around the world… highs and lows, increasing storm severity.

New York Times Article

3) Sinkholes are happening everywhere now… a new natural disaster. Web Ecoist Article

4) Have you seen what’s going on with Yellowstone National Park? If you didn’t know that all the Geothermal activity there (Old Faithful) was from a massive underground Caldera, check this out: Yellowstone Prime to erupt.

5) Now Iceland is extremely active and threatens eruption. Hawaii remains a hot spot and new lava flows threaten homes. Iceland fissures and Hawaii flows

6) Mass deaths of fish, mammals and other animals… birds and bees falling dead from the skies… Look Here: Mass Animal Deaths for 2014

7) The Crazy Winter Storms that reached as far south as Alabama with snow fall. Did you know that the snow there seemed weird… There are videos of people in the south that put a flame to the snow to melt it, yet… the snow burned rather than melted? Say what? Yes, I Believe it matters where you live in the states, but there’s some Tampering going on in the skies. Burning Snow

8) Space… Did you see the latest Blood moon that landed on Passover. Did you know that’s the first blood moon of the Tetrad? Four Blood moons (Lunar eclipse) in the space of 2 years, along with a full solar eclipse. Did you know that all four land on Jewish holidays (by the Jewish calendar… which is what they went by oh so long ago)? Coincidence? This doesn’t happen often… the last time it did, the Jews went to war over their homeland and won… they reclaimed it and for the first time since the Romans and became a Nation. Hewbrew/Jewish Calendar The Four Blood Moons

9) Ebola Outbreak! And many other Viruses are quickly spreading! Video!

10) Mystery Booms all across the States… Day and night, Booms that shake the ground, Natural or Man made? This gentleman covers some demographics of where some of these have been happening - Video

World Governments

1) New World Order – As much as people may want to put this off as Conspiracy theory, this movement has been in process for decades. A Movie explaining the New World Order: New World Order Bible Versions

2) You may have heard of the Illuminati (Members and signs) and the Freemasons… What do you think about Disney?

3) ISIS – The Terrorist Group that’s Blitzed through the middle east. It’s intent, to wipe out Isreal and all Christians. Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium

ISIS Terror

4) Eugenics – The “Social Elite” has continued to push this practice. The Georgia Guidestones in the US declare a similar route, beginning with reducing the WORLD’s population down to 500 million people… Considering the current World population at over 7 Billion… that’s a lot of people that would have to die.

5) Vaccinations used to reduce the Population, Yup it true!

a. Article: Bill Gates And Neo-Eugenics: Vaccines To Reduce Population

b. Vaccine Video with Bill gates plan

c. Bill Gates again… Fork-tongued in this short Video, The Eugenics Lie

d. Death by Vaccination web site

e. One more article on Deaths via vaccine: 145,000 Child deaths attributed to Vaccines

6) Look at all the Wars! Especially the Hate and Conflict on Israel! A nation the US has always Allied with, but with Obama… not so much. Why? What Obama says In the Past. What he’s doing now.

7) Tripoli Airliners have gone missing: Article

8) The US Government and our current President are becoming bolder in many ways: Obamacare, Rights being tampered with, Executive Decisions by the President that are morally questionable. An increase in Gay rights and more suppression of Christian evangelists. Did you know that “Evangelical Christians” are deemed a top threat to the nation by Homeland security? It’s True… how did we warrant that?

Glenn Beck Video Reports

New Homeland Security Report: Christian Patriots a Terrorist Threat

9) Food Crops are being dramatically affected by the strange weather. The Organic Farms get harassed by the government; whether to buy them out, or illegally confiscating supplies and livestock.

10) How about the skies? Have you seen jets flying over that produce a lingering contrail of “cloud” that slowly spreads out for Hours… yeah, that’s not natural. A Contrail is thin and doesn’t last that long and vaporizes. These long lasting Contrails are known as Chemtrails… Ex-Military Geo Engineer explains; Here Pilots caught Video of a Chem Trail Airliner! Chem Trails = Indigo Skyfold Project

11) What is HAARP? What can they do? Watch this Video


1) Biometrics – Its use is growing rapidly… under the guise of making life easier, safer, and even to improve our health. Many of these things may seem positive, but they are all leading to one thing… “Resistance is futile.” That quote may seem to be a joke, but honestly, look at all we watch… it may seem subtle or innocent, or helpful… but it’s all to lead us down the road of acceptance, whether you like it or not.

a. The RFID Chip is here! Biogenetics is Real… and it has been here longer than we think. What's an RFID Chip? Look how they slyly promote this thing!

b. RFID Tattoos Device Article, Developer explains RFID Tattoo and super pill Video

They treat this like a super power, “I want that!” “I can wear a cool tattoo and piss off my parents”…

c. Did you know there’s a “Cyborg” Group of people out there that do what’s called Bio-Hacking… experimenting on themselves with magnets, implants and other tech to make it become “the new thing.” And Yes the US Government thinks it’s the right direction to go in: Microchipping Humans By 2017

d. Levi Price breaks this down more

2) Military Weapon Advancements reaches new heights:

a. Rail Gun and Laser Prototypes

b. Rail Gun Video

c. Laser Video

d. Sonic Weapon Video - LRAD

e. Cloaking from Rochester University

3) US Super Soldiers? DARPA has it in the works!

4) CERN – A research facility that started on Sept 29, 1954. Bent on “Science for Peace.” These are the developers of the Large Hadron Collider. In July 2012, CERN scientists announced the discovery of a new sub-atomic particle that was possibly the much sought after Higgs boson believed to be essential for formation of the Universe. In March 2013, CERN announced that the measurements performed on the newly found particle allowed it to conclude that this is a Higgs boson. This Particle is also known as the “God Particle,” to which they can “recreate” a mini Big Bang. Shut down for repairs, they’ve recently re-opened the collider that is more powerful. Their goal? Admittedly to open a doorway to a new dimension.

Many Videos have been done to reveal what the people of CERN are doing. Have a look:

1) Seventhvial213 – CERN – The Opening of the Abyss?

2) Truth Shock TV – CERN and the Halls of Hell

3) Nephtali1981 – CERN & The Eight spokes of Witchcraft

Think about this… We have been forewarned, by not only God, but by men, including Stephen Hawking that this experiment could destroy us! Watch this short video. So, for those that despise God, calling him cruel for “Allowing” things to happen, when in fact it is Satan’s plan to destroy us. If it wasn’t for God and his Son Jesus’ sacrifice to give us a way out, to have salvation from this World, we would in fact, destroy ourselves!

5) Wormhole Technology – Just a Hint, but they are working on this, see here:

Scientists create a “Wormhole” for magnetic fields


1) What’s going on with the new Pope? Have you been paying attention to what he’s been doing or declaring? Catholics… Prepare to be upset and astonished. Satanic Rituals & Idolic statues in the Vatican & All go to Heaven? One World Religion Push & Pope says Relationship with Jesus is Dangerous? This is just a start…

2) In Arizona, atop Mount Graham sits a Very Powerful and most advanced Binocular Telescope in the World! It’s named LUCIFER! Guess who owns it… The Vatican! What are they looking for? an alien savior.

3) Ever wonder about the origins of Holiday Icons? Santa Claus, the Christmas Tree… the Easter Bunny? What do they represent? Old Pagan beliefs… yup. Origin of Christmas & Origin of the Christmas Tree; Origin of Easter & Origin of the Easter Bunny. Pagan Origins of Christmas Video Series. Origins of Easter Video 1, Video 2. Sun god worship is tied into it, Video. Be careful How you celebrate.

4) A number of religions, churches, that are even based on the One True God, have branched away from the true meaning of God, what he’s done for us through Jesus Christ! No religion is without its misguided leaders or those who have been misled. The True word of God comes from letters and scrolls, gathered together into the Holy Bible. Earliest English Translation from the Original Hebrew and Greek is the King James Version Bible. Be mindful and read your Bible… Check the speaker.


Another well spoken piece about the KJV, Jason Kelty, once a lost atheist, found truth in Hovind’s Creation Science and dug deeper into many aspects into the foundations of the Word of God. Listen here: King James Version (KJV) Bible is the English Word of God - Let My People Know!

5) Do you know that the Ark of the Covenant was found back in the 80’s? No, I’m not referring to Indiana Jones either. Sit down and watch this Documentary: Discovering the Ark of the Covenant

Subscribe and watch other documentaries of Religious sites HERE!

6) Here’s a couple Religious debates. I put these here for you to hear. Discern what they are saying… what are they focused on? There’s a thin line here… Again, I think these two religions are based on the same thing, God. Jesus is the Savior. We know the Ten Commandments, which follows the Bible, considered the “Living word of God?” Listen closely and really think on what they are saying. Is there some deception there? I think people are inherently good. People want to do good, but when truths are mixed with lie, via Satan, things get lost and hazy. I’ll save my deeper thoughts for later.

a. Christian vs Roman Catholic debate on Mary

b. The Pope’s Authority

c. Catholics vs Atheist Debate

7) Evolutions – Darwinism is a farce. It actually takes more faith in Darwin’s theory, with the lack of proof, than it is to believe in God. Just think about the mathematical impossibility of how it was supposed to be all started. Need a better explanation, see below:

a. Trey Smith: Evolution Impossibility

b. Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution

8) Creation Science. So if Evolution is wrong, how did we get here? How old is the Earth? What are the events that led us to where we are? Enter, Dr. Kent Hovind, a creation scientist with the answers and a couple theories that fit the Bible and pure logic and reality. Below is a series of Seminars that are filled with proof, history and citations of all scientists that tell the story. Click here for an education: The Creation Seminars

He also did Video Course that go more in depth. If you have the time, I would suggest going through them: CSE Lectures (Christian Science Evangelism)

On a side note, Kent Hovind and his Wife Jo were arrested and brought under False Charges. Jo was released, but Mr. Hovind was held in Prison for 9 years, after which just recently he was released and ALL Charges were dropped. Clearly, the point of his detention was an effort to silence him. This is very similar to the story of Joseph and Daniel. Watch these videos to learn more:

a. The True reasons for Hovind’s conviction

b. Hovind Explains the false charges in 8 minutes

9) The Star of Bethlehem – The Universe is God’s time clock! Not that he goes by it, but he uses all the celestial bodies to foretell the events. A Christian Lawyer turned astronomer in deep study in the Star of Bethlehem.

a. The Star of Bethlehem Scientifically Proven

b. Signs of thy Coming – The Star of Bethlehem

10) Tough Love – America as a majority is failing to uphold its foundations as a Christian Nation. Obama has declared us as “No longer a Christian Nation.” The deception is everywhere. Here are a couple of sermons that carry a heavy message, but are the truth. If you are interested in what we should be doing, have a look:

a. Paul Washer – A Shocking Message

b. Jeff Durbin – Speaking the Gospel – Saving Souls and Lives


1) Have you been noticing how Many people have been declaring (even if it’s in Jest), that, “the Zombie Apocalypse IS going to happen!” Why is the Government and police authorities preparing for this? The CDC Prepares, Government Plans in Joke, On the News!

2) Our Entertainment industry has been well known for a crazy lifestyle… Suicide and mysterious deaths. What’s going on? What are some of them spreading out to the world?

The Future

The World in many ways is out of Control. Chaos, civil unrest, the Earth is more chaotic than ever. So why? Satan is at the helm of its path to destruction. There are clues to his plans in everything… you just need the eyes to see and the ears to hear. A prophetic date of September 23rd 2015 is in the works. What’s going to happen on this date? I have no idea, but I know something will. The other dates highlighted are the Sept 22nd & 24th, and the 4th Blood moon falls on the 28th. Political officials have declared Sept 23rd is the date for “Climate Chaos.”

The Jewish Shemitah Year ends September 13th 2015. Then Begins the Feast of Trumpets. Upon which the end of the feast begins the Jubilee Year. Too much coincidence to think nothing will happen during this time. Many think it is the beginning of the Tribulation, some the end. I believe in Pre-Wrath, but that we will face Tribulation, and I think the “Rapture” or what I prefer to say, the Gathering of Gods Elect, will happen in the Jubilee year, but at the Beginning or at the End, I have not concluded and probably won’t know till that day. This is best explained by Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Jewish Rabbi, in this Video, a Full length interview in June… and he also addressed many issue with a speech this year on Capitol Hill – The Washington Man of Prayer Event – April 29th, 2015.

My point here isn’t to try to pinpoint a Gathering date, but more to emphasis that Time is running out for those deceived, lost and fallen to repent and come to Jesus Christ. We are not promised tomorrow, but overall the days of Grace to decide who you TRULY Live for is coming to a close. And like in the days of Noah, when the Ark Door is shut (And there is only One door, one way to Heaven, through Jesus Christ) it won’t be opened again! That means no second chance as some people believe. The Bible is very clear on this, hence the parable of the Ten Virgins. So keep your Lamps filled, be filled with the word of God, and be vigilant in watching for our Master’s return!

Watch This: 27 Things That Will Happen in September!

What do I think it could happen in September:

1) Economic collapse (We are seeing this happening already), Shemitah!

2) An assassination of a high political leader (perhaps Obama, or the Pope) but will later be “brought back to life.” (The Head Wound)

3) A fake Alien invasion, though it will appear real. “Aliens” are Demons, so it would really be a Demon invasion, most likely by courtesy of CERN.

4) An asteroid impact, Touted as “Climate Chaos”

5) The Rapture or Gathering of the Elect. As much as I’d like to believe this would be the time, I think this will come later as we are told that we WILL face Much Tribulation (The Great Tribulation).

6) The One World Order will arise due to any of these listed.

7) Marshal Law

8) World War 3

9) The forced implementation of the RFID Chip

Any of these are probable and even other things are possible. Even a Fake Rapture event elaborately done with Project Blue Beam. Be watchful, for yes… it is all setup to believe a lie, to bring one Man (the Anti-Christ) into power. Be safe and Be Blessed.

While there are many Watchers of the World events, I’ve found that No One person has all the answers. It baffled me for a bit, how some very intelligent and studied people could get a particular part of the Mysteries of God logically and Biblically backed with scripture correct, yet fail to see or uphold to other obvious truths to the Bible.

Then I came across 1 Corinthians 12-14. This talks about the Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the body of Christ, being that of his church. We all have different gifts of the spirit… different contributions to the church… different knowledge, and so we need to be open to hear each other and to ask for discernment. This has been something I have prayed for a lot. To see the truth that is mixed in with the lies. It is truly amazing what we are flooded with, and so even listening to spiritual leaders or speakers, we must check each one to see if they correlate with the Bible, the KJV, which I believe is the preserved word of God. As he promised.

Even though My Wife and I have uncovered and have found so much evidence of the time we are in, that Christ is at the door, many call us conspiracy theorists… to be put in a bad light or quickly dismissed. We are very sound minded and we counsel each other on what we’ve heard or seen. We may not have all the answers, we never will, but I know we are on the right track… and above all, we remain vigilant and watchful for our Lords return, so that we will not be caught unaware. We are told to watch many times in the Bible… will know the season of his coming and that season is now.

(KJV) John 9:39-41

And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.

And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also?

Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.

Simply put: There are None so Blind, than those who WILL Not See!

(KJV) Hosea 4:6

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

In Summary:

Just because you don’t believe in God, Jesus, his True Bible (KJV) or his promises of what is to come, doesn’t mean that the events of what is prophetically told in the Bible of what is to come, won’t apply or affect you. You can’t pick and choose what you believe from the true scriptures… The Entire Bible is for All of us! Applies to All of us! You either want Jesus with you, or you don’t. You either believe in Jesus and what he’s made available to you by dying on the Cross for you, or you don’t. This is only YOUR Choice… Your’s alone! The events that are happening around the World are a warning… a prelude of what is to come, and ignoring it… won’t make it go away. His Truth will be faced. And your choice… Eternal Life and Love with Jesus Christ, or YOUR Choice to ignore him, to be separate from him, to deny him… will bring you what you want… eternal separation. That means Damnation, the second death… Feeling the burn and suffering of Eternal Hell. The God who created ALL THINGS wants you with him, wants you to choose him, but he’s not going to force you. I think the choice is simple and obvious, and above all, The Best thing for us! Eternal Love, Freedom without pain, hunger, sadness… without sin! Hallelujah!!! Why would you logically choose anything but that? But I digress… It’s solely up to you.

The Sinner’s Prayer for Salvation

If you are ready to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and take your first step to a relationship with him for eternity, then with a sincere and humble heart, pray the following:

Dear God in Heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life I have lived; I need your forgiveness.

I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.

Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jess from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved.

Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself.

Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life.


Welcome to God’s family! Next is for you to get a King James Bible. Find a Christian Church that teaches from the King James Bible. Join a study group… Read daily. Talk and pray to God daily… this is most important. Ask him questions… seek him! Have patience, learn and grow. A seed needs water and care… you are the seed, the Bible is the water, and Jesus is the caregiver.

God Bless!

Monday, September 14, 2015

September 14th 2015

     The Shemitah year ended yesterday, Sunday September 13th. Now is the Feast of Trumpets, and then follows the Year of Jubilee. It's been said to prepare for an economic collapse... that if it's going to happen, today or soon after, would be the Time. Jonathan Cahn spoke of this... many things happening in the World have pointed to this coming up. The Time is here... Mid September is here... the Pope will soon be here... the 500 Days of "Climate Chaos" declared by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius is September 23rd, the Fourth Blood Moon of the Lunar Tetrad is on the 28th!

     What's coming? Deception, Collapse and Times that we have never seen before. Hope you're prepared, heart, mind and Spirit.

God Bless

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